In this the August 18th edition of the uncensored podcast (Episode #3) in discussing the defeat of Burnley yours truly, Shotta, and Blackburn George conclude the Arsenal team is a chameleon reflecting the manager. We discuss why this Arsenal team performs worse than the individual players. Kudos to Aubameyang, Ceballos and Lacazette who were the top performers last Saturday
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Lets face it, if you were an Arsenal player, wouldnt you do just what you want and start ignoring Emery?
Imagine Guen under AW…
Emery set us up for 5 at the back…and we were only winning 2-1. Bad signal to Burnley.
Emery doesnt have a way.
Re Ceballos, makes you wonder if Ö might be on the way out? Ö’s still the master, and should be allowed to play as the master. C has to notch it up to be Santi though. Remember Santis debut, we knew we were on to something really special.
I wished we could somehow give Ainsley a chance in the midfield, he doesnt seem comfortable at the back.
Any decent player will adapt to any new manager almost immediately. Look at the guys from the system prior to AW, they picked up and did even better…(?)
Tierney-will shall see. Nachos a great player, an unsung hero.
As least we’ve got a nice and easy September!! Certainly it will test out mettle. And perhaps Emerys contract? Freddies being lined up anyway.
All the side-line shouting and ‘tactics’ seem a bit hollow? Emery stops the flow between the players, the mental understanding, the intuition that players build up. That the problem with being the chameleon.
The blaggers will say anything that will make AW look bad? The groaners got what they want, GG years/style back, except these are racehorses playing at cart horses?
Cheers to George and Shotta.
Didn’t Fins suggest the players went on strike after defeat last February to that great European powerhouse Bate Borisov, a game Emery failed to play Ozil and Ramsey.
It makes you wonder what all the gesticulating and shouting is about from the sidelines?
A) no responsibility, and cohesive understanding.
B) mostly its in hindsight so thats a waste of time.
C) in a positive sense, if theres a situation growing then a player might not be able to see what going on but even then HT is better as only dribs and drabs can be given as the game is morphing too much.
D) whats the point in the captain except to shake hands and win the toss? The manager now seems to be the captain. Which is too much WW1 for me.
If the teams being tactically set up to be negative, then why dont the players ignore it and play their own way? Footballers at this level are super intelligent and I think probably a bit more savvy than the current manager. I like Emery though. I dont like moaning about him really.
I couldnt do the job, way too tough.
Strike is too strong a term.
With the benefit of hindsight I feel it’s fair to state that once Rambo was injured the squad that then was led by Rambo, Kozza and Ozil certainly lost heart. Heh.
Heart or momentum, or…you can all sub in whatever expression best fits your own impressions!
Hilarious interview with Josh Kronke.
I guess the PR experts at the club have seen the value of rolling out the Comedy twins vinai and Raul to the Beeb after their success when they deemed us plebs worthy of communication lastand after winning the transfer window trophy we get Joshy himself!!
“I think he’s doing a great job – has done a great job and is doing a great job,” l said.
Amusing to see the Arsenal PR machine in full flow, not defending the club against the vile Sean Dyche for defaming the club as being divers or Mike Dean allowing them to get away with murder on Saturday, but championing the Josh, Vinai and Raul for being “aggressive” in the transfer market. Meanwhile Unai is timid and weak in his tactics and philosophy. We have seen this movie before; somebody is being set up to be the villain and it certainly isn’t Josh Kroenke.
Aggressive Dick and Doof unlike “dithering ” Wenger? Nice one Josh. Throw the barking dogs (aftv etc billy blaggers) a bone. Emery’s show trial will keep the heat off them all?
The dogs dont care who they go for. Maytime will judge them all. Its all too early yet, still playing in summer time, wait till the darkness sets in.
Also Septembers a big test for the winners of the transfer market sweep.
Dollars to donuts I bet the big bloggers, podcasters and tweeters will fall for it.
Your not wrong there Shotts…
Comedy twins Vinai and Raul : the German title given to Laurel and Hardy was Dick and Doof !!!