Wenger’s legacy is fundamental. Free flowing, attacking football by a club with integrity and class.

Podcast: Shambolic Arsenal At Watford

In this newest edition of the podcast, yours truly, Shotta and George, the Arseblagger, can barely contain our use of very strong language to describe the shambolic performance by the football club away at Watford. Outshot by the worst team in the league; 31 attempts at goal vs 7, the worst ever in the PL by Arsenal. This is a continuing pattern this season where poor teams make mugs of Arsenal in out-shooting us. Of the 5 games since the start of this season, mid and lower table clubs such as  Newcastle, Burnley and Watford have out shot Arsenal. George and I cannot help but remind fans that in our January 2019 podcast, in the middle of the 22 game winning streak, we were the only podcasters to speak the truth, to advise that the performances were terrible and masked by the unsustainable rate of scoring by Aubamayang. Have the chickens finally come to roost?

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  1. Cheers lads,says it all. Regardless, still grateful to Shotts and Big George for getting together and casting out the pod.

    Its the first time ever that I feel really cynical about Arsenal. About Josh, about Raul Montana (neither of them know anything about football, business, maybe) about Emery Bored and what hes done to the players. Transition? From what to what? From dominant force, two time double winners, bags of FAC’S, failed finals here and there, unbeaten for 49 league games until the dog beneath the skin of corruption of reared its ugly head. ManUre says it all.

    Look at Sokratis, how the bleep did he make such a shag of the first goal for Twatford? Look, hes not the best defender in the world, but that was so shite it was worse than Willie Youngs clearances in 78 and 80.And yet Mustafi gets it for being poor. I dont recall any such basic mistake by him like yesterday. I still refuse to believe that Sokratis is that poor. The whole team dont not what they are really doing. How could Pepé be so poor yesterday?
    We are so transparent that even the bloody Orns know how to tactically beat us. Emery has had us up the garden path, and theres no Fred in the Shed at the end of it. And no hope either.
    The club has to stay bigger than these sawdust Caesars, Watford felt like they won and we felt like we lost. Bizarre.

    Luiz giving two penalties away already? Wtf?

    Emery Bored sets up the midfield like there is no midfield. Guen is just making a hash of it all, sorry but he needs to stay on the bench and wait his turn. He didnt need to get booked yesterday, all it did was fire the Orns up.
    The players need to revolt. The way it is, means it can only get worse.
    Last week we talked about Wenger staying away. And I agree. Now I dont agree. Remember the scene in Godfather 2, when Micky brings Fwanks brother to the court? Wenger should just come in and stand there.Not say anything. Just stare him out.
    Talking of Fwank. Fwankfurt will give us a bit of stick, I promise you that. They will play as a solid unit and their fans will make a ton of noise. No doubt Guen will be captain?
    If the bosses knew anything about football, they would have had Emery out this morning.

    Fork it.

    Thanks again Shotts and George.

  2. Thanks for the podcasts and sanity this season and last – an escape from the steaming gibberish being pumped out and shat upon the rest of the Arsenal fans by the cretins who came up with the “shambles” meme – the reprobates who’ve been supporting and defending this dross for all posterity to play note! Wankers the lot of them.

    Not only did last season destroy the reputation of Unai in the sport it finished off all the remaining credibility of the vampire Arsenal Blagging community.

    “Ramsey and Ozil can’t play together”
    Literally these are cunts would make up any old shit to support their man Raul. They attacked Sven or calling Raul out as an agents lickspittle, the same Sven who helped sign Auba along with Arsene – I guess commission must be good.

    Which all begs the question: George and Shotts have been accurately calling their shots.
    George just described Emeryball as “shit” as opposed to “shit on a stick”.

    So it looks like Shotts is bang on: Emery was always Raul’s fall guy before he tries to bring in Mourinho. George and Shotts have been the most reliable and sincere Arsenal fans commenting online these past 18 months. I hope they’re wrong on Jose but well: you heard it here first.

  3. Emeryball, perhaps its shit on a lead? Whose on the end of the lead?

  4. Just how i felt watching wengers bollacks. Hows Ramsey doing btw?? Still injured lol

    • Jay,

      Dear fellow,

      Are you suffering from a mental illness that you are attempting to celebrate the unnecessary sale of the footballer Ramsey from Arsenal football club, a club where he was a club legend and had been prepped to be the new club captain. on an Arsenal blog?

      Who is the current club captain?


      • Although I have an open door to comments, except for those who engage in personal abuse, I don’t expect the enemies of the Arsenal Way will come to this site to defend Raul Montana and his partner-in-crime Unai Emery.

    • Get real Jay.
      More you have not addressed the content.
      Pulling down Wenger is no defense for emery…that’s what children do. Let Emery stand or fall on his own merits.
      What you got?

  5. Didn’t watch but Watford had approx 1 shot every 3 minutes to our 1 every 13. It simply make no sense at all that this amount of talent cannot muster a consistent attack. The blame lies squarely at the feet of Emery. I think he should be let go immediately.

    I’m not sure what to make of Guendouzi. Started out decent but I don’t see why he is even making the bench at present. Talent is there but he is still very green.


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