Comedy of Errors (© Photo: Wikimedia) Yesterday brought back a sense of deja vu. About two years ago, I was away in India when Arsenal played the same opponents as yesterday. We were doing okay and looked to be in control with the lead only to collapse in the second…
Articles by BabaGrumpy
Jut Having a Moan (Courtesy Wikipedia) It is a very unusual situation when the majority of Arsenal fans see a loss as a good thing. The fans who are increasingly soured on Emery see the loss as a vindication of their stance and the fans who are now reluctant to…
Courtesy of Wikimedia In my season preview I referred to Burnley FC as bricklayers and they didn’t disappoint in the match against The Arsenal on Saturday. It is not the first time they have tried to bully Arsenal players and wont’ be the last either. It is exactly for this…
Aubameyang scored the sole goal (Photo via Wikimedia) [After every match Baba Grumpy aims to do a deep dive into the performance of the Gunners. He has been attending games ever since Highbury and has traveled over land and sea to support the Arsenal, among the precious few that made…
Just in case you forgot, the 2019-20 Premier League season commences today. Yes, we no longer have the traditional Saturday kick-off. Since last year, in its now customary bowing and prostrating itself to its broadcasters, the League decided to launch the season with a single game on a Friday. (Editor)…
There was a time when I could care less about the transfer window. So I am a bit old school when it comes to transfers. Admittedly, I did not become a passionate die-hard Arsenal football fan until the Invincibles. That was the season I followed every single match. I had…
Via Getty Images (fair use) Did you read Josh Kroenke’s letter in response to the petition by billy blogger and the #WeCareDoYou group? Did you notice that Josh’s reply has taken the air entirely out of their balloon? After a week the petition has petered out with hardly anyone discussing…
There is a so-called Swiss Ramble (SR) on Twitter, boasting of a globetrotting career in finance, who has achieved some notoriety lamenting the state of Arsenal’s finances. Seven or so months ago he published a series of tweets that were particularly scathing of Stan Kroenke, lambasting him for not investing…