Wenger’s legacy is fundamental. Free flowing, attacking football by a club with integrity and class.

Arsenal FC

Ozil and Arteta. Where has the love gone? I have been one of Mikel Arteta’s biggest supporters as manager of Arsenal Football Club. Following in the footsteps of my podcasting colleague Blackburn George, aka @arseblagger, I was among those who identified him as the most qualified successor to Arsene Wenger…

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Courtesy of Arsenal.com The strange position that the FA Community Shield occupies in football fans’ mind got even stranger this year. The traditional curtain raiser to the premier league season is now more than a pre-season game. I still believe it would be valued more were it called the Super…

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Edu and Arteta now responsible for football ShardGooner: It wasn’t long ago that I was complaining about Arsenal taking yet another new direction, and here we are again. Except, this time I’m actually pleased about it. I’ve made no secret of my dislike for Raul Sanllehi being in charge, and…

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Vinai Venkatesham The main theme from the most recent podcast by me and Blackburn George is our skepticism about whether the sacking of Raul Sanllehi represents a real change in direction by Arsenal Football Club. The Arseblagger was his usual frank and outspoken self proclaiming “The King Is Dead, Long…

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In this latest podcast, Shotta, yours truly, and the Arseblagger analyze the dramatic news of the Kroenkes firing The Don, Raul Sanllehi, and ponder what has really changed at Arsenal Football Club. The Don Is Dead, Long Live The Don? Give it a listen and show your support by subscribing…

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Dusting off another enemy in Peter Hill-Wood style. So Raul Sanllehi was asked to leave, sacked, given his walking papers, whatever. Choose your euphemism. But there is no sugar-coating what happened. This is how senior executives are fired. Not in the brutal, matter of fact manner in which Sanllehi and…

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