Wenger’s legacy is fundamental. Free flowing, attacking football by a club with integrity and class.


Aubameyang scored the sole goal (Photo via Wikimedia) [After every match Baba Grumpy aims to do a deep dive into the performance of the Gunners. He has been attending games ever since Highbury and has traveled over land and sea to support the Arsenal, among the precious few that made…

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[If you appreciate the quality of our posts, please subscribe to this blog and spread the word on Twitter, Facebook and by word of mouth. Our mission is to expose the lies and bullshit narratives about Arsenal by providing factual, critical posts. We are Uncensored.] When Arsenal takes the field…

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Just in case you forgot, the 2019-20 Premier League season commences today. Yes, we no longer have the traditional Saturday kick-off. Since last year, in its now customary bowing and prostrating itself to its broadcasters, the League decided to  launch the season with a single game on a Friday. (Editor)…

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Readers: If you like what we are doing with this new blog, we appeal to you to Subscribe, Retweet, Repost; do everything in your power to spread the word and encourage new readers. We will never receive the endorsement of mainstream media, not from NewsNow and not the big social…

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In this the August 4th edition of the UnCensored podcast, yours truly, Shotta, discusses with Blackburn George, aka @Arseblagger, the performance of Arsenal versus Barcelona and conclude whether the Gunners are Stronger, Weaker or Same as last year. We welcome your opinions. Be Uncensored and Leave a Comment. Listen to…

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Barcelona      2      –      1      Arsenal Pre-season or not, we could have done without that late Barca winner. A minor hurt to go with all the majors over the years. A tiny knife wound this time that came when a midfielder was allowed copious time to pick…

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I will watch today’s friendly between Arsenal and Barcelona with great interest. Whether we win, lose or draw, I expect Arsenal to play positive, attractive football demonstrating the club’s intent for the upcoming premier league season. Arsenal might flatter to deceive, as we did at the start of last season…

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There was a time when I could care less about the transfer window. So I am a bit old school when it comes to transfers. Admittedly, I did not become a passionate die-hard Arsenal football fan until the Invincibles. That was the season I followed every single match. I had…

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By @ShardGooner Even in this era of wall to wall, 24/7 coverage, transfers seem to dominate football news and the fans’ imagination. I include myself in this. When the rumor of Nicholas Pepe signing for Arsenal first surfaced from a credible source, I found myself getting excited for the season…

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